North, Provo Rooftop Concert & Fire Station

We always love our visits from North. He is literally the best dog on the planet (Sorry Dobe!). I am good friends with his owner, Wendy and we dog sit him lots in the summer months. He was very concerned about my road rash and wanted to lick my wounds. I fell long boarding down Provo Canyon with Chase :( 

We took North up to Bridal Veil falls one Sunday and Im not sure if I will do it again. He is such a good dog but was too overcome with excitement with all the people and dogs! He wanted to play with everyone! He also kept crying after the kids when they left him to hike up the waterfall. He gets stopped everywhere we go and people want to know what kind of dog he is, what is name is and tell him how handsome he is! 

He also follows me around the house frequently. He will jump up and lay on my bed until he gets too hot and heads for the cold floor again. He never barks, does cool tricks, is a good listener (most the time) and just makes us feel happy! 

We headed to the fire station this same Sunday and Chase got the hose out for the kids. Beckham and Chase aimed it into the grass and  the dirt from underneath came flying up and covered Beckham head to toe! It was pretty hilarious and we got it on video. 

As adventurous and Brielle is, she has this fear of ladders. She gets so scared to climb up the truck ladder. Chase is always behind her assuring her she won't fall. 

Beckham on the other hand loves the ladder! He climbs up and down with zero problem. 

This same weekend I wanted to check out the Rooftop Concert Series downtown Provo. We could have left the kids home but I thought it would be a fun family date night. It kind of backfired and for some reason the kids were really whiney and complained a lot. So we didn't stay long. But it was fun while it lasted.

I love how beautiful downtown Provo is. The old architecture mixed with the new and set against the mountains is top notch. 

The Provo City Center Temple is stunning. We took the kids through this temple open house when it was rebuilt after the fire. 

I am always on the lookout for new murals and colors downtown as well. This is one of my new favorites! 


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