Fall Break
We love Fall Break in Utah! The first day of break Chase was home and we went and saw the new Maleficent movie with the kids. It had been a long time since we had been to a good family movie together.
Chase went to work for a few days and I told the kids they could each have a Halloween late night with their friends. Brielle had hers first on Friday night. Carter, Ronin, Barrett, TJ, Lucas V and Lucas E all came. They ate lots, watched A House with a Clock in the Walls and played outside. It was a blast. It made my heart happy to see her so happy and after everyone went home she even thanked me! Wow! So worth it :)
The festive table
I did the exact same food and table for both kid late nights.
Brielle and buddies downed two Papa Murphy's pizzas and there were only crumbs left on the snack board. Beckham and his buddies only ate one pizza and hardly any of the snacks I had set out on the table.
During Brielle's late night (which didn't end until 10:00) Beckham and me hung in my room. We watch iRobot on my laptop and ate pizza. He is always my snuggle buddy!
The next night it was Beckham's turn. He was so excited! He had Daniel, Max, Benji and Aksel over. Aksel just moved to Lindon and Beckham has greatly missed not having him across the street anymore. So it was cute to see Beckham introduce Aksel to all his school buddies and how happy he was to have all of his best buds together in one place!
They painted pumpkins.
North The Dog was very curious about all the action.
Of course Beckham's pumpkin was THE BEST! After pumpkins they all watched House with a Clock in the Walls as well and friends went home at 9:00pm. Brielle was at Lucas V's house for the night during Beckham's party. Beckham was also such a sweetheart afterward and thanked me over and over for doing that for him. It made my mom heart so happy that my kids get to make memories in our house with their friends.
The next day I snuck away alone for a few hours. I had been dying to see the Downton Abby movie and finally had a minute to go! I think it was the first movie I have ever gone to alone, but I loved it! I had my blanket and tea and enjoyed the moment! The movie was incredible of course.
Brandon and Stacey opened a Code Ninja franchise and were so kind to let Beckham do a Minecraft day camp! He was in heaven. He said " That was the best time Ive ever had on computers!"
The Minecraft camp ended up being three days long, but he could only go to two of the days since school started up for us again on the third day. So we dropped him off the second day and went rock climbing at Momentum!
We had fun dog sitting Northy during the break. Him and Dobe are just chillin on the deck.
I had beautiful fall morning walks with North.
Brielle got asked to dog sit the Larson's dogs, Remy and Rosie. She loved Rosie and how many tummy rubs she always wanted.
Remy is the momma and super chill.
And we can't leave out The Dobe Dog! I finally started him his own Instagram account. Ha ha! People love his weirdness and quirky nature. So we did a little photo shoot for his IG page.
I sure love my fall porch!
Dobe does not love it and just wanted to go inside.
Overall it was fantastic fall break with lots of family time and rest at home. I love being cozy at home with my tribe!
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