Wrapping up May

May is a beautiful time in Utah. The mountains are green and the weather is finally warming up. Utah was finally coming together again after being told to stay away from each other because of a virus. There were certain friends we had not seen in too long and the kids missed their own friends dearly. I was reconnected with Wendy and my yoga friends. A new studio called Purify Wellness had just re-opened and little did I know I would be teaching there in just a few short months! We barbecued with friends, went on hikes and the kids managed to still have a "Last Day of School" party with their best buds! Some people in the world still frowned upon these gatherings, but we were not going to be kept from our friends and loved ones any longer. We were ready to be together, play sports, travel and be normal again. 

The kids had to say good bye to their teachers on the last day of school in way of a drive by farewell. They both had amazing teachers that year and it was hard the kids could not return to school. Chase and I also celebrated 14 years of marriage! He took me to zip line at Sundance and it was pretty rad. It was VERY HIGH but so breathtakingly beautiful. I was proud of myself for not letting fear take that experience away from me. We had so much fun together! And of course, still living the dog life taking care of two fur balls. Dobe hates Sakari and they have to stay separated. 



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